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Jim Paul - Elder
Jim and his wife Becky have been married for 40 years and they have three children. Jim shares the preaching as well as teaching duties. Becky likes to make sure the flowers on the property look good as well as help teach.


John Stoner - Elder
John and his wife Nancy have been married for 47 years and they have five children. John shares the preaching duties as well as teaching on Wednesday nights. Nancy publishes our bulletin every week, and more.


Phil Stoner - Elder
Phil and his wife Penny have been married for 40 years and they have five children. Phil shares the teaching and preaching duties. He also oversees Children's Church. Penny leads the Book Club, helps with the children and teaches the ladies class on Wednesday night.


Justin Coffin - Evangelist

Justin and his wife Sheena have been married for 22 years and they have four children. Justin does the majority of the preaching. Sheena plays the keyboard in our praise band, teaches as well as helps out with children's church.


Antonio Acevedo - Deacon

Antonio and his wife Andrea have been married for eleven years and they have four children. Antonio was ordained in September 2020.  Antonio helps teach and assists with our broadcast team. Andrea helps teach classes and children's church.



Jeff Paul - Deacon

Jeff and his wife Amelia have been married for twelve years and they have three children. Jeff was ordained in September 2020.  Jeff helps teach and preach as well as assists in leading the praise band. Amelia sings in our praise band and helps teach.


David Sorensen - Deacon

David and his wife Leah have been married for eight years and they have two children. David was ordained in September 2020.  David was the mastermind behind our online broadcast. Leah publishes our monthly newsletter, and is a part of the praise band. David and Leah both help out with the website and the STCOC social media accounts.


Caleb Stoner- Deacon

Caleb and his wife Diane have been married for twelve years and they have four children. Caleb was ordained in September 2020. Caleb is our assistant treasurer, helps teach and preach as well as assists in leading the praise band. Diane sings in our praise band and helps teach.


Bill Terry - Deacon

Bill and his wife Justine have been married for fourteen years and they have three children. Bill was ordained in September 2020.  Bill is our treasurer, helps teach and preach, and assists with our broadcast team. Justine sings in our praise band and helps teach.

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