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9:45 Sunday School - Classes for all ages - adults included!

Live stream will start around 10:30 via Facebook and YouTube
10:45 Praise and Worship 
11:00 Communion 
11:10 Announcements 
11:15 Sermon 
For more information on small groups, click here.
5:30 until 6:15 Meal (suggested donation)
6:30-7:15 Class


Youth group is for young people ages 13-18. The youth group meets every on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. (We take the summer off to allow for camps and other summer events)
We play games, have a Bible lesson and share a snack. Periodically, we organize and participate in youth retreats, field trips, service projects and fun days.


Contact us at or 607.271.9575 for more information.


What is traditionally called "Sunday School" we call "Classes." The reason is because in each of our services, we have classes for all ages. 

On Sunday mornings, we have an adult class in the dining room and we have the children divided into several age groups. There is a class for children ages 1-2, 3-4, kindergarten thru 2nd grade, and 3rd grade thru 6th grade, and 7th thru 12th grade. 

Wednesday Classes

​On Wednesday evenings, we serve a meal from 5:30 until 6:15. The meal will have a suggested donation of $3/person to help defray the costs of the meal. To RSVP for the meal, click HERE.


Following the meal, we have classes for multiple age groups. There is a 0-2 class, a 3-4 year old class, a kindergarten thru 2nd grade class, and a 3rd grade thru 7th grade class. For the adults, there will be a class for the women and a class for the men.

The class time will include a combination of prayer, singing and Bible instruction.

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